Here’s the scenario… you’ve graduated college with a good looking degree, and you feel on top of the world and ready to pick and choose your dream job. The reality, however, is that you’re one of a many in the same boat.
Although you feel like you would be best suited for a particular role, there can be hundreds of other people who feel the same way as you. Recruiters or hiring managers will often post jobs on various online job boards and receive in excess of 200-300 resume applications.
So, what can you do to differentiate yourself from the rest of the crowd?
You need to ensure your resume is in the top 5-10% of all resumes. A single mistake in your resume can be the difference between your resume ending up in the interview stack or in the deleted folder.
Hardest Challenges Facing College Graduates
With that said, here are some of the hardest challenges facing college graduates today:
Downturn In The Economy
We are all sick and tired of hearing about the global financial situation, sluggish economic growth and rising unemployment. Unfortunately this is the situation which new graduates find themselves facing when looking for a job. The best career advice is to network, stay patient, and increase the effort into the job search. You are going to have setbacks and days when you feel like the whole world is against you. The real challenge will be ones of continuing perseverance and confidence.
Lack Of Real World Experience
The key advice to all graduates (and those preparing to graduate) is to seek work experience. This advice seems like common sense however gaining work experience (even if it means working for free) can help you plan out your career and gain vital experience in competitive industries. When the time comes to apply for full time work, your work experience can be the difference in setting you apart from your competitors.
Too High Expectations
Many graduates complete their university studies and expect to hand pick the job they want. Furthermore, graduates have an expectation they know what is best and should actually be the boss rather than working for the boss. Too many times, new graduates will apply for job positions which are so unrealistic and then get despondent because they are not getting interview requests. It’s important for graduates to realise that they need to gain the experience before they can call themselves the boss.
Debate Between Further Higher Education And Job Seeking
Do you continue to study or start straight away with the job seeking? Many graduates don’t have a choice in this matter but for those who do continuing to study can lead to greater results long term (financial and job position) and also further help distinguish yourself apart from other graduates. On the other hand is it better to start working and get your foot in the door? There’s no better education then real life experience of learning on the job.